Parent Information

Our committee

One of the many benefits of a community based, not for profit Centre is the opportunity for the management committee and staff to manage the Centre together. This involves volunteering their time and lending their skills and effort to keeping the Centre running smoothly and bring new ideas that help make our Centre the best learning and teaching environment for the staff and children.

Our Committee currently meets every 6 weeks, on a Wednesday evening and is responsible for the decisions concerning the Centre’s philosophy, finances, educators & staffing, quality of care, maintenance of grounds and building, fees, budget allocations and liaising with other community groups.

Each family is encouraged to contribute voluntarily in some way to the Centre, thereby ensuring its ongoing improvement and maintaining the community feel.

You can:
– volunteer your time at Centre’s working bees;
– come in and share a skill with the children or
– join the staff taking children on excursions.

“The committee is a great forum to learn and have input into what is planned for the Centre and an opportunity to meet and socialise with other parents, which at this stage of life we don’t often get to do!” – Liz Mitchell (President 2021)

Liz Mitchell

President, 2021


What Our Families are Saying

We love the nurturing and supportive environment of the Centre. The experienced educators and not-for-profit setting ensures the focus is clearly on the Children and providing the best learning environment and resources for them.  – Liz